Is the hotel hot water project using natural gas boilers or solar energy?

Is the hotel hot water project using natural gas boilers or solar energy?

Many hotel-type business users are hesitant to use natural gas boilers or solar energy when they choose hot water equipment, which is more economical and more reassuring.

We use a heat Q of one ton of water heated from 15 ° C to 50 ° C as a base to compare energy consumption.

Q = 1000 kg × (50 ° C - 15 ° C) × 1 kcal / kg ° C = 35000 kcal.

First, solar water heater energy costs
       According to the annual average of 120 days without sunshine (cloudy, rain), solar water heaters can not rely on light to obtain heat, need to use electric heating to supplement;
       1 degree electric heat is 860kcal / kWh × thermal efficiency 90% = 774kcal / kWh;
       The power consumption of 1 ton of hot water is 35000kcal ÷ 774kcal / kWh = 45.22 degrees;
       The electricity price is 0.8 yuan / kWh;
       The calculation formula for the heating cost per ton of hot water is:
       (45.22 degrees × 120 days) ÷ 365 days = 14.87 degrees;
       14.87 degrees × 0.8 yuan / degree = 11.9 yuan.
       The operating cost of a solar water heater to heat 1 ton of hot water is 11.9 yuan.

Second, natural gas boiler energy consumption costs
       When using a natural gas boiler, the gas consumption cost is:
       1m3 natural gas heat is 8500kcal/m3×thermal efficiency 100%=8500kcal/m3;
       The gas consumption of 1 ton of hot water is 35000kcal ÷ 8500kcal / m3 = 4.12m3;
       The price of industrial natural gas is 2.2 yuan / m3, then the cost per ton of hot water: 4.12 × 2.2 = 9.06 yuan Therefore, the operating cost of heating 1 ton of hot water in a natural gas boiler is 9.06 yuan.

Through the calculation of the above formula, we can see that natural gas is more energy-efficient than solar energy.

This formula is based on the operating cost calculated under the condition of complete combustion of the gas boiler fuel. In actual application, the gas consumption is higher. When calculating the gas consumption of the gas boiler, the natural gas calorific value and boiler efficiency should be fully considered. The value can be in line with the actual situation.

The above is the comparison between the natural gas FANGKUAI Boiler free hotline, we will be happy to help you.

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