How much is a set of 1 ton gas hot water boiler for heating?

How much is a set of 1 ton gas hot water boiler for heating?

At present, there is still a great demand for gas-fired hot water boilers in the market, especially in the heating and heating industry. Winter is approaching, and many companies are purchasing heating boilers, and there is an urgent need to understand the price of boilers. How much is a set of 1 ton gas hot water boiler for heating? Let Zhengzhou Fangkuai boiler manufacturer tell you the answer.

For gas-fired hot water boilers, there are pressure-free and non-pressure boilers. The non-pressure boilers are atmospheric pressure boilers. The properties of these two types of boilers are different, and there are certain differences in application sites. You must do this before purchasing a boiler. To understanding. Pressure boiler is what we call pressure boiler. When purchasing boilers, companies must choose the boilers that suit their own companies. Normal pressure boilers generally output hot water. The main form is atmospheric hot water boiler. Pressure-bearing boilers generally output hot water and steam, and generally mainly use steam.

There is also the main difference that atmospheric boilers do not need to be reported for inspection. Pressure boilers need to be inspected every year. To ensure the normal operation of the boiler. Therefore, for enterprises, firstly, the medium of output is the most important.

Therefore, for corporate procurement, it must be compared with boiler manufacturers nationwide. After the comparison, if possible, you can go to the atmospheric hot water boiler manufacturer for on-site inspection. In this case, the boiler product you choose is more suitable for your company.

Recently, a heating company asked Fangkuai Boiler about the need to purchase a hot water boiler, but the specific price and required model are not well understood. After Fangkuai Boiler gave a detailed introduction to the company, it was calculated that the company reached the conclusion that the company can use a 1-ton atmospheric hot water boiler. The current price of the boiler model is about 20,000 US dollars.

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