Zhengzhou Fangkuai Boiler Factory shares the situation that oil and gas boilers need to be shut down

Zhengzhou Fangkuai Boiler Factory shares the situation that oil and gas boilers need to be shut down

For oil-fired and gas-fired boilers, emergency shutdown refers to immediately stopping the supply of fuel and air to the boiler and quickly stopping its operation. And when the oil and gas boiler is in operation, what situations need to start the emergency shutdown when it encounters it? Zhengzhou Fangkuai Boiler Factory will answer for you.

When the water level is lower than the visible water level of the water level gauge or higher than the maximum allowable water level, that is, when the boiler is seriously short of water or is seriously full of water.

When the main water supply pipe, main steam pipe, and reheat steam pipe burst.

When the superheater tube bursts, or the water wall tube bursts, the water level of the steam drum cannot be maintained. When deflagration occurs in the furnace or flue, causing serious damage to the equipment, and when the furnace is extinguished.

When secondary combustion occurs in the flue at the tail of the boiler, the exhaust gas temperature suddenly rises abnormally.

When all suction, blower or rotary air preheater stops running. When the safety valve does not return to its seat after the action, the steam pressure drops, and the steam temperature changes to a degree not allowed by the steam turbine.

When the steam pressure exceeds the operating pressure of the safety valve and the safety valve does not operate, at the same time, the exhaust steam valve to the empty and the primary and secondary bypass cannot be opened.

When all water level gauges are damaged and all water level gauges lose their indication.

When other irresistible accidents that endanger the safety of people and equipment occur.

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