What is the difference between gas boilers and coal-fired boilers?

What is the difference between gas boilers and coal-fired boilers?

Both coal-fired boilers and gas-fired boilers are relatively common types in the boiler market in recent years. Although they are more consistent in their comprehensive performance, they have specific combustion methods, combustion products, and specific operational requirements and workflows. A big difference, after ample market research, Fangfeng Boiler summed up the main characteristics of coal-fired boilers and gas-fired boilers.

First, the way of burning.

Most of the coal-fired boilers use the layer-fired combustion method. The coal passes through the coal-feeding machine to transport the chain grate plane, and the combustion process is completed in the furnace. Most of the gas boilers use chamber combustion, and the natural gas is mixed with the air in the burner in a predetermined ratio, and then injected into the furnace through the nozzle to complete the combustion in the furnace state.

Second, the automatic control of the boiler.

Coal-fired boilers are limited by factors such as coal type, coal seam thickness, blast volume, air volume, air volume distribution and grate speed. It is difficult to automatically adjust boiler operating parameters according to load. However, high-quality gas boilers are less affected, and only the size of the burner can be adjusted according to the load, and automatic control is easy.

Third, the combustion products.

Coal is mainly composed of C, H, O, N and other elements, ash and moisture, but not the surface of these components, but a more complex compound. After the coal is burned, heat is released, and sulfurized oxygen gas is generated, which is discharged into the atmosphere by the flue gas. These gases are very polluting the environment and cause harm to humans. The natural gas used in gas boilers is mainly composed of methane gas and contains a small amount of non-hydrocarbon gas. Generally, it does not contain water and ash. Therefore, it mainly produces carbon dioxide and water after combustion, and releases a large amount of heat. Compared with coal, Hazardous substances should be significantly reduced.

The above is the difference between the understanding of the characteristics of coal-fired boilers and durable gas-fired boilers. We can understand that coal-fired boilers and gas-fired boilers are used in many specific ways and work contents due to different fuels. There are many differences, so in the process of choosing the two, we must choose according to the needs and convenience of operation.

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