FANGKUAI Boiler was selected as “A Typical Case of Enterprise Clouds in 2018”

FANGKUAI Boiler was selected as “A Typical Case of Enterprise Clouds in 2018”

On June 29th, the “2019 China Cloud Service Conference” hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and hosted by the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute was held in Beijing. Wang Jianwei, Deputy Director of Information and Software Services Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Information Wang Angeng, a member of the Expert Advisory Committee, and other key personnel in the field of information technology attended the meeting. FANGKUAI Boiler Co., Ltd. was invited as a representative of the backbone of cloud services to attend the meeting.

The theme of this conference is “Promoting industry enterprises to cloud and speeding up transformation and upgrading”. FANGKUAI Boiler Remote Monitoring System, as a high-quality case of two-in-one integration, received this honor once and for all through the strict audit of experts.

At the meeting, the first batch of 60 enterprises in the country were listed on the cloud. In the process of awarding, FANGKUAI has been on the same podium with famous companies such as Kingdee, Haier, Alibaba, Foxconn and Huawei. Deepen the "two-in-one integration" and strive for the outstanding achievements.

When the experts of the meeting reviewed the case of our company, it pointed out that FANGKUAI can accurately grasp the concept, connotation and significance of the cloud on the enterprise in the process of its own development, and clarify the direction and path of the cloud on the enterprise.

From the enterprise cloud demand, the cloud implementation process, the cloud application effect and the future application of the cloud in depth, all of them are in line with the definition requirements of the “Million Enterprise Enterprise Cloud Action Phase Achievements”, which is a typical representative of the transformation and upgrading of the traditional industrial field.

At this meeting, the leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology interpret the latest corporate cloud policy, share the experience of enterprises on the cloud, and explore the cloud development strategy in the industry. At the same time, the “Million Enterprise Enterprise Cloud Action Phase Achievements” and “Enterprise Cloud Excellence Cases” were released.

In the future, FANGKUAI Boiler will make efforts to implement the "Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Innovation and Development of Cloud Computing and Cultivating New Formats of the Information Industry", "Three-Year Action Plan for Cloud Computing Development (2017-2019)", and "Guidelines for Promoting Enterprise Cloud Implementation (2018- 2020) The specific requirements of these three policy documents will promote the in-depth application of cloud technology enterprises, improve the innovative application of cloud computing industry in the field of boilers, and promote the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence in the real economy of the boiler industry. Deep integration.

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